Fruit Bats

How do you feel about bats? For many, they invoke fear for carrying diseases and sucking blood. But have you ever thought about bats and their roles in this world? They impact your day to day life without you even knowing it!

This project is an exploration of the many systems and scales that fruit bats impact and how they then connect to our day to day lives. The goal is not to necessarily make you want to get a pet bat, but instead to grow an appreciation and awareness for bats and how they keep the world running.

Fruit bats can be found in parts of Asia, Africa, and Australia. They are on the other side of the world from me. Why should I or anyone care? As a way to reveal and emphasize their importance, I created a two-part experience connected to grocery stores. A grocery store is an ordinary place visited frequently… as well as being a place heavily impacted by fruit bats. Here, people can recognize the scale of systems and see how actions and items in their daily lives are affected by the flying fox.

Software & Skills

Considering Systems and Scale


Adobe Photoshop


Ocean Modules